


Cryo Therapy Pro is our flagship, long-standing and trusted, designed to deliver the safest cryotherapy treatments and offer unparalleled user experience. The model is easily customizable to fit your interior design. We offer Cryo Therapy Pro  with two types of liquid nitrogen feed, from nonpressurized Dewar tanks or from pressurized cylinders. Two non-pressurized tanks come with any Dewar type cryo therapy You can order optional accessories and service with any Cryo therapy machine. A safety cover with a soft adjustable collar is a good choice to optimize the cooling of the upper body and ensure a more uniform temperature distribution in the cabin. Temperature guns, oxygen sensors, cryogenic hoses are available upon request.

Best selling
Most popular choice worldwide

Safe and reliable
5 onboard sensors for maximum protection

Cutting-edge innovation
State-of-the-art components and controllers

10” touch screen
Intuitive interface for easy operation

Audio system and LED lighting
Background music and controllable light for
enjoyable cryotherapy environment


Cryo Therapy Basic is as good-looking as Cryo Therapy Pro, with LED lighting on the top and under the cabin, and with the same level of nitrogen consumption, but more affordable. With Wi-Fi connectivity, you can receive software updates or live diagnostics if needed.Also, there is a remote control function, as well as a possibility to receive daily stats to email. Optionally, you can order the features Cryo Therapy Pro has, like head proximity and operator sensors or Bluetooth audio system. All Cryo Therapy models allow customizing outer shell and upholstery colors. In addition, the  cabin size can be changed for bigger or smaller in diameter and height. Please consult our sales department for other options on the offer.

Best quality-price ratio
A top quality product at an attractive price

Safe cryotherapy environment
All essential safety features onboard

Superior look
Blends in seamlessly with your interior design

7” touch screen
User-friendly interface for easy operation

22’’ information screen
Temperature and countdown timer displayed

LED at the top and under the cabin

Mood-setting controllable lightin


Cryo One is the newest generation model,
which is efficient, quick to install and easy to
use. The model boasts a minimalist design
paired with an advanced accident prevention
system featuring five onboard sensors and two
emergency stop buttons, both for the operator
and the customer.
Cryo One features compact size, which
allows putting the device into spaces where
no other cryo would fit. The unit requires
only one square meter of floor space. The
lowest nitrogen consumption in the market is
another point of pride for Cryo One.
This model is truly one of a kind, as it can work
both with pressurized and non-pressurized
tanks, which offers flexibility for business
owners while choosing their nitrogen supplier.

Enhanced safety
Head proximity and operator sensors for safe
treatment environment

10’’ information screen
Session temperature and countdown timer
displayed for the customer

LED lighting under the cabin
Mood-setting light for best photos and videos

Bluetooth audio system
Background music for enjoyable cryotherapy

Advanced engineering
Proprietary nitrogen feed system for maximum
cost efficiency
Customer-oriented design
Colors and options tailored to your needs


Cryo Mini was developed as a strippedback
and affordable version of Cryomed One.
In addition to the look, it kept all the good
things Cryo One features: small footprint,
plug-and-play design, nitrogen efficiency.
Moreover, Cryo Mini has the same dual
nitrogen feed, making it compatible with both
pressurized and non-pressurized tanks.
One-click Wi-Fi connection enables remote live
diagnostics and software updates, as well as
receiving daily reports to your email. Besides,
Cryo Mini can be controlled remotely.
Cryo Mini gives you everything you need
for efficient cryotherapy sessions. It is suitable
to install into a vehicle as a mobile unit.
Also, Cryo Mini is a popular solution for
home use.

Saves money

Reasonably priced

Saves space
Covers only one square meter

Saves installation fee
Comes as one piece, does not require assembly

Saves nitrogen
Takes only 2.5 liters for a 3-minute session

Saves delivery fee
Comes on one pallet

Blends in
Available in various colors